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香港文匯報 要聞2023-07-22

【大灣區潮動】3300品牌積分 1平台大灣區通用




亞洲卓盛有限公司很榮幸獲德勤會計師事務所評選為「2022年度大灣區40強企業」之一創辦人及主席 - Andy Chen 獲邀於「胡潤中國元宇宙高峰論壇暨《2023胡潤中國元宇宙潛力企業榜》發布會」中向一眾來賓分享元宇宙及積分科技的應用和未來發展。相信香港及大灣區未來的科技發展一日千里,機遇無限。

AsiaTop x HKSTP

Thank you HKSTP - Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation for providing us with the opportunity to showcase our Web3 solution and plan through a video shooting. We are grateful for the support of Derrick Cao, the Business Development Representative of China Mobile Hong Kong, and Syndicate Capital Group, who helped to make this video shooting a success.

April 2023 AsiaTop x 2022 Deloitte Technology Fast and Rising Star Program

We're honored to be recognized as one of the 40 high-growth and future-star companies, a symbol of the high-speed growing and continuously innovative companies, in the 2022 Deloitte Technology Fast and Rising Star Program for the Greater Bay Area. This recognition reflects our team's dedication, hard work, and innovation in the loyalty and rewards industry. Thanks to Deloitte for providing a platform to showcase promising companies in the region. We're motivated to continue delivering cutting-ed...

April 4, 2023 港企創積分平台 聘技術人才挑戰大


March 1, 2023 【預算案】倡撥款推動Web3生態圈發展 業界認為未能發揮協同效應 (TVB)

November 21, 2022 Asia Top Loyalty Selected as the First Web 3.0 Company to join the Hong Kong Science Park Elite Programme

November 3, 2022 AsiaTop 消費券平台升级版2.0 夥拍三三金融拓展香港市埸


September 6, 2022 Asia Top announces ambitious global expansion and Web3-based tradable loyalty programs

January, 2022 大灣區七千萬居民都使用的消費App

February, 2022 ABC下一代創科獨角獸